Please feel free to contact us for work requests, coverage and press inquiries by filling out the required fields in the form below.


    電話番号(Telephone number)

    会社名(Company Name)

    メールアドレス(Mail Address)*

    お問合せ内容(Inquiry content)*


    I agree with the privacy policy

    Privacy Policy
    1. 基本方針

    2. 個人情報の収集および使用について

    3. 個人情報の提供について

    4. 個人情報の管理について

    5. 個人情報の訂正等について

    6. 取り組みの改善について
    1. basic policy
    EarthScape Inc. recognizes the importance of your personal information and considers it an important responsibility to carefully protect the personal information we receive from you and other individuals. To this end, we have established the following personal information protection policy and implement appropriate management.

    2.Collection and Use of Personal Information
    Earthscapes Inc. will use the collected personal information for the following purposes.
    When personal information is necessary to fulfill a customer’s request for services.
    To contact the customer with information requested by the customer.
    To provide architectural design plans and projects requested by the client.
    To inform customers of various events and services with the customer’s consent.

    3. provision of personal information
    Earthscapes Inc. may disclose your personal information to third parties in the following cases
    When the handling of personal information is entrusted to a subcontractor
    When we have the customer’s consent
    When disclosure of personal information is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of a person, and in case of emergency.
    When disclosure or provision of personal information is required by laws and regulations.

    4. management of personal information
    EarthScape Inc. implements reasonable and appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access to personal information and the loss, damage, alteration, leakage, or unauthorized disclosure of personal information.

    5.correction of personal information
    When Earthscape Inc. receives a request for reference, correction, or deletion of personal information provided by a user, it will respect the user’s wishes and carry out the request after confirming that the request is made by the user himself/herself.

    6. Improvement of Efforts
    Earthscapes Inc. will review and improve the above-mentioned measures as necessary to improve the protection of personal information, or in response to changes in laws and regulations.

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