Landscape Art
When I first explored the area, it remained an untouched forest. Inspired by this, we envisioned a “forest sanctuary” and adorned the facility with elements designed to engage all five senses of our visitors. At the forest entrance, we installed an unopenable door to evoke curiosity. A bench was crafted by embedding a felled zelkova tree into stone, while fragrant flowers and trees were planted nearby. A small door was affixed to a glass surface, adding a touch of whimsy. Additionally, we constructed a staircase leading to a tangerine tree, inviting everyone to enjoy its fruits. Our aim is to remind people in their everyday lives of our profound connection to nature, which sustains us.

Project Information
竣工. 2013
所在地. プラウド夙川(兵庫県西宮市高塚町7−20)
Completion. 2013
Location. PROUD Shukugawa (7-20 Takatsukacho, Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture)
事業主. 野村不動産株式会社
施工. 株式会社 奥村組
撮影. Rikizo nishina
Business owner. Nomura Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.
Construction. Okumura Corporation
Photograph. Rikizo nishina